Monday, March 23, 2009

First Section Stairs - Vibrant and Protection


This is my sketch of a few sections of the stairs that are from the exhibition space to the top space. The top space is designed for Fiona Hall, and the word is Vibrant. My design for these stairs are very scattered and colourful. The levels are at different heights and the steps are scattered around, making the person walk through and around the stairs, as shown below in the images from Sketchup.

In the above image, it shows the vibrancy of the stairs through the different bright colours, and the scattered steps, with different rises in each step.

The second image, is a front view of the steps. It is much clearer in this image, the different lengths of the stairs and the difference in rises for each step.

Although the stairs look like a person can walk straight up from top to bottom, in actual fact, the rises and setting of the stairs are designed in such a way that it forces the person walking on the steps to move in and around the stairs. There are sometimes different pathways you can take. I feel that these stairs are a great representation of the word vibrant.


This is my sketch of a few sections of the stairs that are from the exhibition space to the bottom space. The bottom space is designed for Tracey Moffat, and the word is protection. Below are a few images of the stairs on Sketchup. The Materials I used in my design for these stairs are timber and glass. There are glass panels on the rises on the stairs. Behind these panels are light which glow through the glass, keeping the stairs bright, and creating a feeling of being safe and warm, which is my represent of the word protection.

The image above is the front view of the steps. I've added a bit of wood texture to the model to represent the material that I want for these stairs. You are also able to see the glass rises as noted above and a representation of the light. The light on the stairs are only at the bottom of the steps, so that when the artist is standing at the top of the stairs, it is bright at the end, like a light at the end of a tunnel, creating the effect and the feeling that there is greatness at the end of the steps, which may be the artist. The feeling of being safe, protected and warm is also represented through the materials of the stairs.

The image above is an aerial view of the protected stairs.

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